Good Morning

September 29, 2021 by Mia in DiscussionMusic

“Mama, Mommy, Good Morning Mom, Moommm, and a text that starts off with “Hey Mahmm, do you think you could…!” These are the beautiful sounds of words that I wake up to on a typical morning when everyone is home! Yes, I say beautiful in a snarky kind of way, but I enjoy the melody of it all! I know that one day everyone will be all grown up and living their own respective and “respectful lives” and I will miss it. I even imagine that I will cry because of the loneliness one may feel as a future empty nester. Hubby on the other hand thinks of the wonderful perks of traveling, more dates nights, spoiling future grandbabies and sending them back home to their parents. I get it, but it makes me want to really be present and enjoying these little moments.  For example, this morning we had a three-year-old meltdown of wearing a dress vs. wearing a skirt. I truly didn’t have time to debate or coddle because I had to get her to a doctor’s appointment. And let’s not talk about all the paperwork that we had to fill out once we got there. In addition, I was not being able to get complimentary copies of the signed documents, smh! The morning just seemed like one long event (it was a teacher workday, so no school), flowing into lunch, naptime, dinner, practice, bath time, bedtime (Good Night) and repeat! How are your mornings?