Finding Joy

September 29, 2021 by Mia in DiscussionMusic

When you’re off to a great start to your goals, there may come a moment when you just can’t. I mean really just can’t. Can’t get out of bed, can’t brush your teeth, can’t breathe, just can’t do anything; even the simplest of things. You wonder what your purpose is, if what you think it is, is accurate? You wonder if you’re actually doing a great job at anything because you can see so much of your imperfections. But have faith, that there are ways to find your joy! I found that if ever I am feeling like the above, it’s usually because I am tired and the same goes for the LTLF crew. We’re so much better, when we get much needed rest, eat good foods, exercise (even if it’s just a walk around the block) and have some self-care! Then as a crew we’re so much better together (can you say Family Night!), because we’ve gotten the essentials to help us be our best selves. One of the best (small) joys I have had lately which is what some may call a guilty pleasure; is saving my special sweet treats for Saturday night (which is date night)! My favorite lately has been Lidl’s bakery made peanut butter cookies. The joy of walking into a well-lit store, picking out my fresh baked peanut butter cookies, standing on my social distance spot and thinking about how I am going to go home warm them up and watch a really good movie, sofa-side with the hubby, just brings so much joy to my heart…. Ahhhh it’s the little things! What’s your joy? Maybe I could add it to my regimen!